Different types of Technology Trending in the market

In today’s scenario, technology is something that is moving with its maximum speed than anything else.

latest technologies like cloud, IOT, virtual reality, artificial intelligence changed the ultimate trends in IT industry and programming development.

2017 yet another progressive year in the app economy continues to expand and grow to adopt the latest technologies. The global market has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of smartphone users.

According to the statistical data, 52% of the time individuals spend on digital media is on mobile apps.

Around 2.8 million Android apps and 2.2 million iOS apps are available on Google play store and App store.

So here is a concise collection of the latest technology trends:

  1. Augmented Reality is gaining popularity: Augmented reality technology is the integration of real world and virtual world. It creates images that are installed into the applications and used the mobile devices as an interface to get the fusion of digital components and the real world in such a way that they recreate a picture in real time. AR occupies a special place in mobile gaming zone.

Pokémon Go app in 2016 dominates the app store. It is a location-based augmented reality game that uses player’s mobile devices GPS ability to locate, capture, battle and train virtual creatures called Pokémon which displays on the screen as if they were at the same real-world location as the player.

  1. Virtual Reality is trending in the market: Virtual reality technology is the recreation of a real-life environment or a situation. It is an artificial and computer-generated simulation that lets the user experience the simulated reality by stimulating vision and experience.

With virtual reality, the users may get confused what is real and what is virtual. It is used to create imaginary reality for gaming, entertainment, 3d movies etc. VR devices like Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and Oculus Rift are gaining popularity today.

Recently Facebook has launched its Spaces app that allowed you to create your own VR image. Sit in the VR meetings with friends, taking virtual selfies with virtual selfie sticks and draw in the air. It is available for Oculus Rift in beta form.

  1. IOT rolled the smart home technology: Internet of things lets the devices around you to talk and get connected with each other. It is the network of physical devices where objects get interacted with each other and permit the objects to collect and exchange data.

IOT helps you to remove the barriers occur during the functioning of the physical devices in everyday lives. IOT apps provide you with a seamless UX experience and sharing data between all the devices. 

Smart Home app is one of the IOT apps that facilitates the devices to communicate with each other. They enable the homeowners to customize and control their home environment for increased security and efficient energy management.                

  1. Cloud technology raise business benefits: Cloud Computing is the fast emerging technology and a vital component in business enterprise IT framework. It offers small and large business the opportunity to outsource their IT network to external providers.

Cloud Computing delivers the computing services like servers, databases, networking, software etc. over the internet to the business enterprises.                          

Cloud-driven mobile apps are targeting especially business enterprises to raise profits margins and annual growth rate. With these apps, the corporate data locked on the cloud and ensure the privacy element of the confidential belongings. 

MozyPro is one of the cloud app developed for Small Medium Enterprises (SME). It lets you schedule daily, weekly or monthly backups to the cloud. As an SME, you can easily recover the data from a data loss disaster without the need to invest in your own backup infrastructure.

These are some of the technology trends to watch out in the 2017 and for gaining richer experience you need to wait for the upcoming years.
