How Workforce Optimization Drives Workforce Productivity?

Workforce Optimization leads to change in the culture of an organization. Agree or not?

I think your answer would be definitely yes.

Workforce Optimization offers a fact-based logical framework that drives organizations towards tech transformations.

Understanding and planning the workforce challenges is vital in achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace.

workforce optimization

After having a discussion with a senior level management official, I got to know about the benefits of workforce management solutions that focuses predominately on crucial factors such as cost savings, efficiency improvements and risk mitigation.

I think its quite true.

Here are some of the ways that drive workforce productivity:

  1. Monitor performance analytics tools to enhance efficiency: The workforce analytics tools enable the management to calculate employee’s productive time by monitoring the working hours and tracking the employee’s activities. It facilitates in delivering real time insights of your workforce and also helps in determining the areas of improvement which ultimately leads to enhancement in workforce efficiency.
  2. Improved manager to employee conversation: There should be an improved communication between the managers, and the employees to simplify managerial processes. Managers are often busy in scheduling tedious tasks-creating schedules and handling employee’s queries. In my opinion, it’s better to automate these processes and allow the manager to get out on the floor and communicate directly with employees.
  3. Monitor time, attendance and leave management: The effective monitoring solution is developed for the effective workforce management. The automated time and attendance software facilitate the employees to manage their time and leaves and monitor themselves to operate at peak efficiency.

By reviewing the above points, I would conclude that only the quality workforce matters, not quantity workforce.

I have heard about a company who saved around $10 million over a period of 1 year just by performing the workforce optimization techniques and applying workforce analytics tools smartly.

Serve your people with the best to get more than the best.

Is Software Testing Easier Than Software Development.

After a long time, I met a good friend of mine who is looking for the job change. He was quite frustrated and exhausted from his earlier job of software developer and want to switch to the testing field as he believes it was an easy work to do at least from the previous one.

He asked me for guiding him to get a tester’s job. Out of curiosity, I asked why he wanted to go in the testing field rather, to stay in the development.

So, instead of answering my question, he started questioning and making me believe that software testing is not easier than software development?

What do you think about it? Did you believe that software testing is easier than software development?

I think most of you definitely not agree.

Let me tell you first what exactly software testing is.

Software testing is the process of evaluating a software development process and the system components to find bugs and defects and fulfill all the user requirements and at the end deliver high quality error free product to the customers.


Software Testing is quite an effort-full task to be performed than software development. There are certain reasons behind that:

  1. Complete testing is impossible: For a tester during testing software applications, it was required to go through different test combinations and scenarios that need to be taken into consideration to perform an efficient testing. It is not possible in real time to test all the possible cases with a given time constraints. The main focus laid is on to satisfy the end user requirements and the business specifications. This is the harder task for the testers to do.
  2. Quality assurance: Sometimes it was pre assumed that the Quality assurance is the complete responsibility of the testing team irrespective of the contribution of the development department. Tester handles all the mess created in the code by the developers and check it using all case scenarios. It is quite a tedious task to do for them. Testing cannot be accountable or responsible alone for maintaining the quality standards.
  3. Less involvement, more expectation: There is no involvement of testers during the software development life cycle. They are not included in finalizing the project requirements or the other necessary decisions made during software development. But the expectations from the testers during testing is always high- they should cover all the test case scenarios, complete testing one time, handles the bugs in an efficient manner and at the same time generate test reports.
  4. Performance and interoperability issues: When an application is designed to be used by many users at the same time, then it is difficult for the testers to test the application under those conditions to ensure that each user should get the desired experience. And those conditions are sometimes hard to predict, recreate and test.
  5. Product cannot be completely bug free: Testers put a lot of efforts in defining coverage, identifying risk factors and in executing numerous test scenarios and to make the software bug free. It is quite a troublesome task for the testers to make the product error free completely.

The Bottom Line

In my opinion, software testing is not only the important task to be done but it’s equally challenging and difficult for the testers to perform efficiently.

Software testing is a critical skill to be found in a person and at the same time, it is also a passion-driven profession. Whether you choose it by chance or by choice, you will always excel if you want to.

5 Real world applications of Internet of Things (IOT)

How many of you want a smart life in terms of smart devices, smart homes, and cities and so on.

I think many of you want it eagerly.

The new wave of connectivity is going beyond laptops and smartphones and bringing out for you a new era with connected cars, smart homes, connected wearables and connected healthcare.

Did you know what people search for on Google, what they talk about on Twitter and at the end what they write about on linkedIn?

It’s none other than the most common conversational topic “IOT Applications”.  And how these applications are going to change our lives in near future?


Read the below smart applications and tell us which are the smart device you are waiting for among all.

  1. Connected Cars: Connected Cars is the most recent advancement in the automobile industry. The automotive digital technology optimizes the operations of connected cars and maintenance. It makes an ease of comfort to passengers using onboard sensors and internet connectivity. UBER AND OLA have also started their research on this idea of adding a fleet of cars.
  2. Wearables: Wearables is the hot topic for the techies even now. Most of the smartphone related activities can be performed using watch you wear. Wearable devices are installed with sensors and software’s which gather data and information about the users. This data is pre-processed to extract essential insights about the user.

Sony Smart B Trainer, the Myo gesture control and Looksee bracelet are the upcoming wearables innovations to be released in near future.

  1. Smart Cities: Smart Cities are one of the powerful application of IOT that solve the critical problems faced by people like pollution, traffic, congestion and shortage of energy supplies etc. Smart surveillance, automated transportation system, smart energy management system and environmental monitoring are some of the smart solutions promised by the Smart City application that makes people life easier in cities.
  2. Smart Retail: Smart Retail is another sector where the IOT solutions are trying to mark their presence. It’s a golden chance given by the IOT to retailers to connect with their customers to enhance the in-store experience.

Interacting through Smartphones and using Beacon technology can help retailers to serve their consumers better and also track their path through a store and improve store layout and place premium products in high traffic areas.

  1. Smart Homes: Everyone is searching Smart Homes on the Google but what are the reasons behind this which made them do so? What is a Smart Home?

Smart Home products and services promised you to save your time, energy and money by automating your daily routine easy as well as complex tasks. It’s making your life simpler and convenient.

These applications are becoming more popular day by day and what exactly is it that people talk about and look for. The future of IOT seems to be fascinating where millions of devices are talking to each other without human intervention.

Let’s see what the future technology hold for us.

What are the Cloud Skills Required in IT Industry?

Despite being the emerging technology, cloud adoption is much faster than the rest of the technologies.

Cloud computing has been the driving force for the business enterprises in recent years and has completely changed every aspect of the IT landscape including information security, data analytics and project management.

An article by Forbes recently reported that:

  • The worldwide public IT cloud service revenue will be $127 billion by 2018.
  • This revenue will increase to $167 billion by 2020.
  • The cloud adoption will increase from 22% in March 2016, to 32.1% in the next 24 months achieving 45.8%.


According to a LinkedIn report, it was stated that ‘cloud and distributed computing’ is the trending skillset to get hired in the coming years.

Here is a compiled list of top skills required in the cloud computing industry.

  1. Database skills: Did you know there are about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being created every single day and databases being hosted on cloud platforms. IT companies are desperately looking for the professionals owning skills in storing, managing and accessing the data. It is crucial to understand the various database platforms and database querying language as these databases are mostly hosted on cloud platforms. It is the best time to develop your skills with the updated version of database querying language.
  2. Programming skills: Cloud computing emerges as the brain storming technology in the world of development. It’s time for the developers to have the capability to develop, deploy and manage robust applications rapidly to unlock the full capabilities of the cloud platform. Programming languages like Perl, Python and Ruby etc. rise to prominence in the development of cloud ecosystem.
  3. Linux: Cloud professionals with skills in Linux is currently in demand right now. There are more than 25% of servers that power Azure are Linux based which drives the demand among business enterprises for cloud professionals with Linux skills. The IT experts with skills to architect, design, build, administer and maintain Linux servers in a cloud environment create cloud-enabled Linux solutions for the Azure platform.
  4. DevOps: DevOps is a very popular framework in the cloud computing industry and necessary for the cloud-first organizations. For the migration of the servers to the cloud environment, there is a need for DevOps experienced professionals who are strategic contributors in the entire software lifecycle from planning to the maintenance of software development.
  5. Information Security: Security has always been the prime concern for any business when it comes to adopting new technology, and cloud computing is one of that. Businesses are on the hunt for the professionals who can address cloud security threats and cyber-attacks while accessing and deploying applications in a cloud Security specialist collaborates with cloud architects to take crucial decisions about where and how to store critical business data.

Be the modern cloud professional with the above skill set and leverage your existing expertise with the diverse array of opportunities provided by this trending cloud computing technology.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Which is the Future?

Both the cutting edge technologies are fascinating the world with its unbeatable advancements. They transform the perception of visualizing the world and promising a tremendous growth in the IT world.

Augmented reality and virtual reality are the two compelling technologies trending in the IT industry. Most of the people get confused about the two of the emerging technologies. Two of the technologies have some similarities but the difference between them is major and worth explaining.


What’s hot in augmented reality?

Augmented reality is the integration of real world and virtual world.

Augmented reality Experts create images that are installed into the applications and used the mobile devices as an interface to get the fusion of digital component and the real world in such a way that they recreate a picture in real time.

The augmented reality app users enjoy the seamless experience with the virtual components in the real world and can easily identify the line between them.


A real-life example of the Augmented reality that people used commonly in daily life is the Snapchat application that enables you to take a video selfie with the different creatures like dog’s nose and ears over your face. It was just like taking a live view of your face and adding computer graphics over top.

Google Glass was the first invention of Google that brings augmented reality to users.

IKEA application has developed concept kitchen that provides suggestions on the different recipes based on the various ingredients on the table.

IKEA retailer is utilizing augmented reality to let customer preview how furniture looks on their smartphones before they purchase it. IKEA gives you a live experience of shopping furniture.

At IKEA place, users are permitted to view the 3-D image from different angles of more than 2000 products before buy.

Pepsi Max utilized Augmented Reality in incredible ways throughout their #LiveforNow campaign. Watch the video and see how people experienced AR in the funniest ways.

What’s the catch behind virtual reality?

Virtual reality is the recreation of a real-life environment or a situation.

It is an artificial and computer-generated simulation that lets the user experience the simulated reality by stimulating vision and experience.

VRML is the well-known programming language that is used create a virtual reality with the series of images and the type of interactions they develop with that.

Recently Facebook has launched its Spaces app that allowed you to create your own VR image. Sit in the VR meetings with friends, taking virtual selfies with virtual selfie sticks and draw in the air. It is available for Oculus Rift in beta form.

With virtual reality, the users may get confused what is real and what is virtual. It is achieved by wearing VR helmet, goggles and Oculus Rift. Virtual Reality is used to create imaginary reality for gaming, entertainment, 3d movies etc. Flight simulators are also been developed for the pilots training process.


Both the technologies enrich the user experience by providing deeper layers of interactions. Both of them have the lasting impact and the potential to transform the user engagement with the technology and real world.

Which is the future?

Augmented reality is the one step ahead of virtual reality. Several tech giants are working on AR offerings like Microsoft on HoloLens AR headset glasses. Google invested in a company called Magic Leap whose technology beams lasers into the viewer’s iris to activate AR.

Both of them are the great examples of experiences and interactions in the simulated environment and real world. Both AR and VR are succeeding but still, AR is achieving more success in the commercial field as it does not take people out from the real world like VR.

Changing Things with the Internet of Things.


From the myriad high-tech things that throng the virtual space today and given our over dependence on them, the Internet of Things is bound to emerge as a new way of life, predict technocrats and social scientists. ‘IOT is the future of technology and human existence would largely depend on it’.

The idea has received mixed response from people all over world. Some see it as a gift while there are few who view it negatively.

Simply put, IOT can be described as a concept where devices connected over the internet have the ability to interact with each other and us. For instance, what if the refrigerator could tell us if the milk ran out, communicate to us about the lack of a product in its storage, fun wouldn’t it be!! This could only happen by means of the Internet of things. Smart Homes, Wearables, Retail, Smart Cities, Agriculture and Transportation are some of the areas where Internet of Things is already in use.

The IOT is growing at a significant pace and techno pundits predict that it would completely take over the virtual space by 2020. Doesn’t it sound surreal? But, it should not be surprising given the pace at which things are changing today. Everything is quicker, faster. The Wind God is seemingly annoyed!! The brilliance of IOT is indeed hard to put into words.  It has also been labelled as the next Industrial Revolution because of its potential to change the dynamics of the world. Yet, there are a skeptical few who view the concept with wariness and suspicion, as is natural for any new idea that is introduced to the world.

The pros to IOT are many- they easily outweigh the cons. Having said that, it is all a matter of perspective. Change is the only constant…..And thus, I personally feel that IOT is the way ahead in technology.

A more elaborate way to explain the concept of Internet of Things is as follows: Imagine you come back home after a long day at work and the sound system automatically knows that it is better to play a soft, soothing melody and not your usual rock ’n’ roll  music…… From the environment sensors outside, the room automatically begins to adjust its temperature on its own. The refrigerator can calculate the type of dish you would prefer to have based on the ingredients at hand and your mood on that particular day – all due to the sensors which take information from real physical objects that are there in the world and uploading to the internet.

How easy does life promise to be in the coming decade!! Our future is truly written in Internet of Things  and therefore the idea must be acknowledged, understood and embraced.

Latest Technologies Trending in the Market


In today’s scenario, technology is something that is moving with its maximum speed than anything else.

Every year passing witnesses amazing and mind-blowing technologies in every industry whether it is health industry, IT industry, research etc. The year 2017 also come up with breathtaking technologies that make debut in the market and changes the lives of the people.

Mind-blowing technologies like cloud, big data, virtual reality, artificial intelligence changed the ultimate trends in IT industry and programming development.

If you go through these thrilling technologies, your life will definitely change. Despite being a non-techie person still, you love these technologies when you get to know about them.

Let’s go through few of the mind-boggling technologies:

Facial Payments: Did you know about the facial payment mechanisms running in China? It’s the fund transfer system that transfers funds through an app named Alibaba via which more than 120 million people make payments using their face as credentials. It uses face++ technology for the vision payments. The payment process does not require smartphones instead you have to sign up for the app and enable facial recognition. A 3D camera fitted identifies your identity and allow you to make the payment. The phone number verification option is used for the security purpose while making payments. KFC was the first adopter of this technology.

360-Degree Selfie camera: Now, you can also experience visualizing pictures in 360-degree selfie camera. Incredible photos can be taken with this camera. The camera makes you feel like as if you are the part of that particular moment. It creates a living experience for you. Earlier its unaffordable cost had become a dream to buy this technology, but now it available in cheap rates. Spherical images created by this camera created a new era in a photography industry. It creates a 360-degree view of an image with amazing picture quality.

Self-driving trucks: It’s time for the truck drivers to get out of the job. You have already heard about the self-driving cars, now self-driving trucks are also about to come into existence. These trucks freely drive on the highways and freeways. Google hopes to bring the driverless car to the marketplace by 2020.But self-driving trucks has already come into existence. The driverless truck makes your life easier and convenient. In the United States, heavy trucks represent about 5% of total vehicle population and consume about 20% of total transportation fuel. Self-driving trucks are proved to be fuel efficient and can reduce fuels by 4-7%.

There are many technologies like Hot Solar Cells, Gene Therapy 2.0, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence etc. are developed by the tech giants and which came into existence in the coming years.

Get ready to change your lives with these breath-taking technologies.

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10 Myths about Application Development People believe in


In today’s scenario application users are increasing faster than the population. One person is owning more than one phone with a lot of applications installed in it. Mobile phones are the medium of choice for surfing, shopping, researching, dining, browsing etc.

People are utilizing most of the applications most of their time. In every field, applications are used for servicing their customers. For business point of view, many companies are developing mobile apps for searching their customers and to provide services to them.

Did you ever notice how many apps you have installed on your phone? How many of them you are using and rest is just taking space?

Application development has become a necessity for each one of us.

More than 1,252,777 apps available in the App Store, 60 thousand apps are added per month and it keeps on increasing day by day.

Still, there are certain misconceptions about application development that need to be discovered. Due to these myths, some users not aware of few aspects related to apps and bears loss. The opportunities offered by application development are not known to the customers.

Now, let’s talk about these myths:

  1. More features ,More users:

The most common myth related to application development featuring more and more features in a single app. Despite focusing on a single function to a targeted set of users,

Despite delivering specific and focused functionality to a targeted set of users, it includes many additional features to the application. They develop apps that make more shots with one arrow. Sometimes, it leads to memory hogs and slow processing.

  1. Released on play store, that’s it:

As per the statistical analysis, the total no. of applications that are uploaded on play store, that is apple play store having 2 million apps or google play store around 2.2 million apps.

How many of them have you installed on your phone?

Most of the people are not even aware of these applications… But that doesn’t mean that these applications are useless or less worthy. It’s like that they are not discovered by their potential users.

  1. No need to have an Internet Connection:

Not Necessary always. It’s not like that you always develop an app to run through an internet connection. Even there are certain apps that run offline. Data can be synced to the backend once the user is connected to the network, it all depends on the user’s requirement.

  1. Expensive mobile apps, not always:

This is the most common misconception that people hold for the application development. The cost an application incurs depends on the different functionality it provides to its users. The app functionality should be specific and focused on a targeted set of users. But there are few exceptions like apple app store having paid apps. The user has to pay some amount to utilize that app.

  1. Not just a good UX ,functionality also matters:

UI/UX is a very important factor to be considered in application development but not more than functionality.UI of an app determines how successful the app is running but along with its functionality. Your goal is not just designing the app but also it functioning.

  1. Develop for a specific platform. Is it enough?

Developing native applications may arise some questions in your mind that at which platform will it work on, or the memory it required on particular platform etc. Native applications don’t run on all the platforms. You need separate applications for separate platforms.

Either you prefer developing for all platforms or target a particular one.

For example: if you develop a consumer related app for individuals you might be targeting iOS users, but if you are going for business applications, you have to focus on Android platform as well.

  1. App development is time taking operation:

Size of the application did not have any relation with its cost and time. Some people think that if the mobile application is a one screen app, it will take less time to develop and involves less cost for the developers. But it’s not true at all. Choosing the right platform for the app development will cut half the cost. For developer’s point of view, reusing code and backend services are the keys speed the development.

  1. B2C apps earn more profits than B2B:

B2C involves a huge market than B2B.Money making in B2C is more competitive, as the different individuals having different requirements which need to be satisfied. The development cost for the B2B app is more than B2C.

  1. Business apps are always data heavy:

Business apps are always data heavy which puts heavy loads on mobile handsets and backend systems. It’s not always true. The best mobile platform should be chosen that take large amounts of data from the backend and transmit small and filtered data to the mobile handsets to reduce overall transmission of data.

  1. Application Development is not just writing code:

There is a misconception in the people mindset that developing an application is just limited to writing a programming code. But it’s even more than that. It requires a basic knowledge about iOS and android development. An initial idea, its designing functionality, the latest technology in the market, user experience, graphics etc. must be required for the development of the app.

Despite these myths, passion for the application development never diminish.

With the growing technology, these myths are extinct gradually.

Here’s how GPS tracking device can help in daily life routine


Are you an owner of a GPS tracking device? Did you know how to make use of your GPS tracker in your daily life routine?

Imagine a situation where you get stuck in a parking or in a daily working routine. You are owning a GPS tracker that can help you in your daily life routine but you didn’t know how to use it.

Let’s check some of the benefits of GPS in daily life routine:

  1. Track your elder’s footsteps: Due to old age, old people accompanied by loss of memory. Track your elders with GPS device and make their path safer one. You can ensure their safety by this device.
  2. Never get stuck in the busy traffic:

GPS provides you with the real time results. GPS facilitates you to choose the path having less traffic.

It shows you the least traffic lights path, shortest routes, quickest routes and much more. If your vehicle takes a wrong turn then, GPS will send alerts and notifications. It will recalculate your traffic and take you on the right track.

  1. Connect across the globe: The GPS device can link you to any part of the world. You can send and receive unlimited alerts instantly across the world.
  2. Creates a Safe Zone: A safe zone has been created by the device which ensures the safety of your family members. It pops out an alert if your dear ones go out of the safe zone.
  3. Parking alerts: You always wasted a lot of time in searching for a parking space. GPS tracking device will help you in solving this problem. It keeps updating you about the exact location of the available parking nearest to your location.
  4. Optimize your workforce: GPS enabled devices can track your employees and helps in timely deliveries of products and services. It enhances the productivity of all the employees.
  5. Safeguard your loved ones: You don’t have to worry about your children well-being. You can track your children path by using GPS apps.
  6. Automated alerts and notifications: GPS tracking device can send you to alert messages and notifications automatically about all the assets you are currently connected with GPS tracking system instantly.

Try to make the best use of this amazing GPS tracking device. It will definitely help you a lot in your daily routine.

6 Thіngѕ уоu nееd tо соnѕіdеr bеfоrе building an арр


Building a mobile аррlісаtіоn саn bе a challenging еxреrіеnсе. Yоu may hаvе a grеаt idea fоr an аррlісаtіоn, but уоu mау nоt knоw аnуthіng about designing аnd buіldіng an арр. Thеrе аrе numbеr оf thіngѕ уоu nееd tо соnѕіdеr bеfоrе building an арр. Here is a step bу step guіdе on buіldіng a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl mоbіlе арр.

Dеfіnе thе Purpose

Yоu have a great іdеа fоr аn арр but bеfоrе thаt уоu nееd to dеfіnе іtѕ purpose оr what рrоblеm аrеа іt аddrеѕѕеѕ. Defining the mіѕѕіоn аnd рurроѕе оf thе арр will hеlр in асhіеvіng уоur goal fаѕtеr.

Dеѕіgn the lауоut

Onсе thе gоаl іѕ dеfіnеd, уоu can start with the dеѕіgn аnd lауоut оf thе аррlісаtіоn. Fоr you drаw ѕkеtсhеѕ оn a paper оr mаkе PоwеrPоіnt ѕlіdеѕ to ѕее hоw еасh screen will look.

Skеtсhіng hеlрѕ tо dеfіnе thе fеаturеѕ of the арр and іf you аrе hіrіng a mobile application dеvеlорmеnt tеаm thеn іt іѕ еаѕу fоr the dеvеlореrѕ tо undеrѕtаnd thе аррlісаtіоn аnd іtѕ functionalities.

Rеѕеаrсh аnd Feedback

Thеrе аrе so mаnу apps developed every dау that there are сhаnсеѕ someone has already buіlt thе арр. Hоwеvеr thеrе іѕ nо nееd tо gеt dіѕсоurаgеd іf similar apps аrе аlrеаdу thеrе. You саn fосuѕ оn thе ѕаlіеnt features оf уоur оwn application and learn and іmрrоvе on thе ѕhоrtсоmіngѕ оf оthеr аррlісаtіоnѕ.

Alѕо оnсе you hаvе thе bаѕіс іdеа and thе dеѕіgn lауоut rеаdу іt іѕ іmроrtаnt tо gеt fееdbасk frоm еxреrtѕ іn thаt fіеld. It іѕ also a grеаt іdеа tо ѕее the technical feasibility of thе аррlісаtіоn.

Whіlе dоіng аll thіѕ rеѕеаrсh уоu also nееd to соnѕіdеr hоw the app іѕ gоіng tо gеnеrаtе mоnеу. Whether іt is gоіng tо a free dоwnlоаd оr whеthеr you wіll bе сhаrgіng for еvеrу dоwnlоаd оr уоu will hаvе ads running wіthіn уоur app – thеѕе ѕоmе оf thе роіntѕ you nееd tо соnѕіdеr.

Create a Prоtоtуре

Once уоu hаvе fіgurеd оut уоur аррlісаtіоn’ѕ tесhnісаl details іt іѕ tіmе to сrеаtе a рrоtоtуре to get a сlеаrеr рісturе. Thіѕ іѕ juѕt a mосkuр of the арр. It may not have аll thе funсtіоnаlіtу in рlасе, just the ѕсrееnѕ and nаvіgаtіоn bеtwееn thе screens. Yоu саn uѕе placeholders fоr grарhісѕ and buttоnѕ tо nаvіgаtе within thе screen lауоutѕ.

Dеfіnе thе dаtаbаѕе

Onсе the dеѕіgn, lауоut аnd basic wireframe of thе application is rеаdу it is tіmе to consider thе backend оf the аррlісаtіоn. Selecting thе dаtаbаѕе іѕ vеrу іmроrtаnt аѕ іt will store аll the data fоr уоur арр аnd уоu mау hаvе tо make ѕоmе modifications tо уоur lауоut based on аnу restrictions from the database. Yоu саn hіrе mоbіlе app dеvеlореrѕ іf rеԛuіrеd to do thіѕ rеѕеаrсh for you.

Bеfоrе ѕtаrtіng соdіng of the mоbіlе арр, іt is a gооd practice to develop the backend first. This bесоmеѕ the fоundаtіоn whеrе you will ѕеt uр thе ѕеrvеrѕ аnd рlаn уоur ѕtоrаgе.

Dеvеlоріng Code and Tеѕtіng

Onсе the backend іѕ ready, уоu саn ѕtаrt with dеvеlорmеnt of thе соdе. Yоu mау have to mаkе slight сhаngеѕ tо thе dеѕіgn іf rеԛuіrеd. It is absolutely alright to mаkе refinements tо application.

Tеѕt thе аррlісаtіоn аnd collect аll thе fееdbасk. Yоu may nееd to mаkе furthеr сhаngеѕ to the соdе bаѕеd оn thе fееdbасk. Thеrе are a numbеr оf рlаtfоrmѕ аvаіlаblе to tеѕt Android аѕ well аѕ іOS apps.

This іѕ thе lаѕt ѕtер in your арр dеvеlорmеnt. Yоu can tеѕt it tіll уоu аrе satisfied with thе rеѕultѕ аnd finally uрlоаd іt tо thе Android аnd iOS рlаtfоrmѕ for users to ассеѕѕ.